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About me
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Words of gratitude. A few words before I offer the obligatory academic bio with some of my bona fides. My apologies in advance for the academic pomp and circumstance. The best of the pomp, truly, is the result of working with brilliant and gracious students and colleagues throughout the years, much brighter and wiser than I am by far (no false humility intended). The circumstance, well, I humbly and gladly accept all of it. I’m deeply indebted to all.
A “working scholar.” I am a professor, teacher, and writer. I taught full-time at Spring Arbor University, a Christian university in Michigan, for 20 years. I taught in both undergraduate and graduate programs. I taught courses in public speaking, communication theory, research, media and culture, leadership, ethics, and more. I currently serve as the Executive Director of the Christianity and Communication Studies Network (CCSN) and Visiting Scholar in Communication and Media at Trinity Western University.

Christianity & Communication Studies Network
As the Executive Director of the Christianity and Communication Studies Network, I provide resources to Christian faculty, administrators, and students in Christian and secular higher education. Those outside the Academy, like pastors and lay professionals, are also drawn to our content. Please check out our website (www.theccsn.com) and follow the CCSN on Facebook to get a sense of what resources are available for you.
I mentor colleagues and students who want to become more faithful and effective communicators in all areas of life, and who want to participate in professional and academic research and publish books. I also help prepare students who are interested in pursuing doctoral studies in communication. My students present papers at the National Communication Association, Religious Communication Association, and other regional conferences. Several of my students have published research in peer-reviewed journals and other academic venues. I learn as much from my students as I do when I teach them.
Education & Awards
I earned an MA and PhD in Communication from Regent University, Virginia, and I am licensed to practice law in Virginia. I also hold master’s degrees in education and counseling. After joining Spring Arbor University’s faculty in 2001, I received the Graduate Faculty Scholar Award, the Faculty Merit Award on three separate occasions, the Second Mile Service Award, and two Faculty Scholarship and Research Appointments. I was Visiting Research Scholar, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Institute for Communications Research. I served as the President of the Religious Communication Association. I was named Scholar of the Year by RCA in 2013. One of my recent books with Kevin Healey (University of New Hampshire) on Ethics and Religion in the Age of Social Media (Routledge), recently received the Book of the Year Award by the Religious Communication Association.
My articles appear in journals such as the Review of Religious Research, Journal of Media and Religion, Journal of Religion and Popular Culture, Christian Scholar’s Review, Christian Higher Education, Journal of Media Ethics, among others. Explore selected publications.
Words and Witnesses: Communication Studies in Christian Thought from Athanasius to Desmond Tutu (Hendrickson)
Media Ethics: Cases and Moral Reasoning, 10th ed. (Routledge)
Evangelical Christians and Popular Culture: Pop Goes the Gospel (3 Vols.) (Praeger)
Media Ethics: Cases and Moral Reasoning, 9th ed. (Pearson)
Prophetically Incorrect: A Christian Introduction to Media Criticism (Baker/Brazos)
Understanding Evangelical Media: The Changing Face of Christian Communication (IVP)
Media Ethics: Cases and Moral Reasoning, 8th ed. (Allyn & Bacon)
The Message in the Music: Studying Contemporary Praise and Worship (Abingdon)
Media Ethics: Cases and Moral Reasoning, 7th ed. (Allyn & Bacon)
Handbook of Research on Electronic Surveys and Measurements (IGI Global)
Jonathan Pettigrew (Arizona State University) and I have an edited collection due out in 2022 titled Professing Christ: Christian Tradition and Faith-learning Integration in Public Universities (Integratio Press, 2022).
Note: If you want a podcast on faith, communication, and culture with substance, you can follow Paul’s podcast titled “Soul Stirrings.”
Personal Interests
When I’m not teaching or writing I enjoy playing with our four-legged children (three dogs), playing my guitar, learning banjo and mandolin, and working on my Hall and Oates cover band with my wife. I love watching soccer and 1980 action-adventure films (sometimes at the same time), gardening, training dogs, and trying my hand at any number of do-it-yourself home improvement projects. My most popular was a bookshelf wall where one of the bookshelves is a door to a hidden room.
Books by Tim

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